Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One Cup of Coffee

The people I worked for this past year have a lot of money. They seem very generous and good with their money, and they don’t act all hoity-toity, but the fact is they just have a lot of money and they enjoy it! They have a gorgeous big house and really cool expensive cars and boat and really nice beautiful clothes. I was there almost every weekday so I saw how great it is to have money. In the mornings when they come out of their bedroom, dressed for the day, I’d catch myself wanting to say to them, just out of a natural instant response; “Oh my gosh you look awesome, is that new?” And of course it is, or maybe to them it isn’t new new, but they just always looked beautiful and crisp and new! I’m sure they would‘ve gotten tired of hearing me say it every day, but I thought it everyday. And they have the best hair. They are such well-groomed gorgeous people. Anything that comes up, that they might need money for, there is no discussion. They just pay for it. Ok, so I don’t really know there is no discussion, it just seems like there doesn’t need to be much. In the evening if they want to go out, they go out. Some of the food they bring home for “take-out” is from the nicest restaurants. I’m not judging any of this. I honestly believe, they’ve worked hard and have been smart and God has blessed them financially. They are just enjoying their wealth. Aaron came by while I was over there one night on his way home from college and went crazy. He is my “Nordstrom’s mentality on a Wal-Mart budget” kid. Aaron has a taste for the best this life has to offer. He gets that honestly from me. I like having the best. I like things to look and be nice. But since I’ve not always had a lot of money I’ve tried to figure out ways to get the look I like without spending the money. I still struggle, but I used to battle with envy and greed a lot more. If I had something and I found out there was a better something just like it I would have to get it. When Aaron was leaving their house that night he said, “Isn’t it hard sometimes hanging out over here in this expensive house and being around all that nice stuff and not having it?” I told him I was ok with it, it didn’t bother me too much. But I totally got where he was coming from, ‘cause like I said I used to really really struggle with it. I don’t believe there is anything wrong with having a lot, I wouldn’t mind having more. If that ever happened I would enjoy it, but I just don’t crave it anymore like I used to. I can honestly say I love my house and my small selection of clothes and just enough groceries to last the week. I really do! It’s easier to manage and less to worry about. I was sitting at Starbucks downstairs at Northlake Mall with Jacob the other day watching people shop and spend. We talked about how fun and free it is to sit there, having only enough money for a cup of coffee. We talked about how it sucks sometimes to not get to buy and shop, but how also, when your mind is in the right place how good it feels to walk through the Mall and be ok not spending. I don’t say all of this in a churchy goody goody way. I love stuff, and more would be fun! I’m just saying I don’t feel that discontent tug as much I used to. I enjoy the nicest of the nice. I would love a brand new Black Honda Pilot, a lot more clothes, more money to shop with when I wanted something, and a wrap around porch on my house, but for today, I’m ok.

1 comment:

  1. this is so true mom. i'm glad you have taught us to be content where we are and with what we have. i do wish i had more sometimes, and its hard not having enough as well sometimes....but God has blessed us each individually in our own way and i am grateful for that. i'm also grateful that i have a mom as wise as you!!! :)
